We are excited to spread Remington’s light with everyone. Let us know if you got one, had one or shared one.
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Messages from card recipients
Name: Allie
Location: McDonalds at 13th and West, Wichita
Message: I was getting breakfast at the McDonalds at 13th and West before headed to school when the person in front of me paid for my breakfast! I received the card but didn’t have time to really look at it until I got home. Wow. What a great way to pass a little joy to someone as well as spread awareness with her story. I definitely started my morning off in a happy mood and can’t wait to pass that same happiness off to someone else!
Name: Delica Ewert
Location: Bling Glamour
Message: I helped her beautiful momma find some things! The absolute sweetest lady who wanted nothing but to share Remi’s happiness and story. Such a lovely woman, Remi’s love is radiating through her. I was a collegiate cheerleader at McPherson College so her story really touched me. Stay strong <3
Name: Rebecca
Location: Family MedCenters
Message: I work in the medical field and a patient gave me a “Love Like Remi” card along with a Starbucks gift card. I did not realize the significance of the card until I got home and read it. What a beautiful way to honor Remi. This has touched my heart tremendously. Thank you so much for sharing.
#suicideprevention #lovelikeremi
#suicideprevention #lovelikeremi
Name: Taylor
Location: Ziggy’s West Wichita
Message: I am a server at Ziggy’s and this card was left with my tip. I was a college cheerleader myself and remember hearing Remi’s story recently. I love this initiative and will definitely be passing this card along to someone else to help spread awareness. Thank you for spreading Remi’s love. I feel like I got a hug from her today. <3
Name: Tina Nichols
Location: Amy Young – Remi’s mom
Message: Worked with Amy for couple yrs at Mulvane high. She’s a incredible lady and blessed to had worked with her.
Name: Paulin
Location: Ronald Regan Airport, Terminal E (Washington DC)
Message: It was totally unexpected but profoundly touched my heart. I was able to relate because I almost lost my wife to mental health, 2020 was rough on our marriage. I did everything to provide all the moral support she needed by the Grace of God the worst didn’t happen. I tried not to cry to be honest when I was approached with the card. I want to thank you for reminding me how precious life is, how important it is to take care of the most vulnerable ones, your loved ones.
Name: Skyeler Reynolds
Location: Dillons in Derby
Message: While at Dillons in Derby we were collecting money for Fill the Boot for MDA. Remington’s mom gave us her card as well as a donation on her way in to the store. Thank you!!
Name: Micaela Hunter
Location: Received from Amy Young
Message:I was Remi’s teammate at KU and asked Amy to share her cards to spread the love and story around Colorado. Remi was the sweetest soul I’ve ever known. Working in mental health I am trying my best to honor her and help as many lives as possible. I wish I could have known Remington for more than 2 years, but she was a blessing in disguise despite the little time we had together. She is what keeps me going with my own battle. I love you Remi!
Name: Shayla Mitchell
Location: Wichita City Hall
Message: Dear Ms. Remi I never met you and I didn’t know your story until today! Looking at your beautiful face reading your beautiful story absolutely melts my heart! I’m sure you are truly missed by those who love and care for you! Know it was not your fault! You were never alone! Your resting now without any burdens, worries, heartache, pain or suffering! I will make sure I continue to share your story with as many as I can! I’m sure you were just as bright as these sunflowers are that’s on this beautiful card I received! I pray your parents find comfort in knowing you didn’t mean to cause them any pain you were just trying to find your own calm in the middle of your storm! You were a blessing to many Ms. Remi continue to rain down your blessing and be that calm in the mist of your parents storm!
Name: Pam Chewning
Location: McDonald’s 13th & West, Wichita
Message: I was with my grandson who is 22. We were going through the drive thru getting breakfast when the young man at the window said the car in front of you paid and said to give you this card. I was shocked and it was a nice surprise. When I got home I read the card and Remi passed away on my 63rd birthday. I showed my grandson as they were close in age. So I decided to take the card to Faith Community Church tomorrow to my Faith group so we could pray over the card for the family. Then I intend to pay it forward! This has been on my mind all day. I have lots if mental illness in my family but never ended in suicide…..
Sorry for your loss. Sorry this was so long but I was so moved when I read the card. Praying for all of us!
Your friend, Pam Chewning